Brazilian-British reality star Jessica Alves, formerly “The Human Ken Doll,” has shared her journey, friendship with TV personality Katie Price, and her decision to leave reality...
The Trump campaign is criticising billionaire Mark Cuban, a prominent surrogate for Vice President Kamala Harris, for making “extremely insulting” remarks about women who support former...
President Joe Biden’s latest stop on his farewell tour took an unexpected twist Tuesday, leaving him without his favourite ice cream flavour and prompting mixed reactions...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister, Kim Yo Jong, accused South Korea on Saturday of deliberately shirking responsibility for alleged drone flights over the North’s...
Former President Donald Trump revealed that his youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, is expecting her first child during a Thursday speech at the Detroit Economic Club. The...
Hashem Safieddine is expected to become the next leader of Hezbollah following the death of Hassan Nasrallah, the group’s secretary general for over 30 years, who...
Pop star Sabrina Carpenter made an off-key remark during her recent concert at Madison Square Garden, joking about having a hand in the indictment of New...