Lesley Maxwell, a grandmother of 65 years old from Melbourne, Australia, is becoming popular on social media due to her unique, age-defying physique.
She regularly posts pictures on Instagram alongside her 21-year-old granddaughter, Tia, and often leaves viewers amazed as they mistake the two for siblings.

The journey to her remarkable fitness journey began at the age of 50 when Lesley turned to exercise to cope with her divorce. Now, with a following of 145,000 on Instagram, she’s proving that age is just a number for achieving a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Despite attracting attention from men half her age, Lesley emphasizes that the prospect of romance doesn’t drive her fitness journey. “People always admire a healthy, strong body,” she explains, “It makes you feel sexy. [But] I don’t do it for men. I want to be strong [and] more positive about myself.”

Lesley’s message of empowerment extends beyond herself, encouraging women of all ages to embark on their fitness journey. She believes that achieving a toned physique and improved health is attainable for anyone, regardless of age. “People of all ages can change their body and health, and it only takes an hour a day,” Lesley asserts, “You can be sexy at any age.”
Joining her grandmother in her fitness endeavours, Tia admires Lesley’s dedication to a healthy lifestyle. “She looks amazing, and I will live a healthy lifestyle when I’m her age,” Tia remarks.

The duo often works out together, focusing on weight training sessions predominantly at their home gym. While Tia prefers targeting her lower body, Lesley concentrates on upper-body workouts, showcasing their diverse approach to fitness.
In addition to regular exercise, Lesley and Tia prioritize clean eating as part of their lifestyle. Tia highlights her grandmother’s commitment to healthy choices, noting that Lesley opts for organic foods like eggs and berries instead of sugary treats.
Lesley Maxwell and Tia’s story inspires individuals of all ages, demonstrating the transformative power of exercise and clean eating in achieving a vibrant and youthful appearance.