Zookeepers dressed up as gorillas to care for a baby ape rejected after its premature birth.
Caretakers at the Fort Worth Zoo in Texas wear gorilla suits to provide specialised care for baby ape Jameela. Her mother rejected her after being born prematurely.
Jameela’s birth was a historic moment as she was the first gorilla to be delivered via emergency c-section at the zoo, which has a 115-year history.

Jameela was born five weeks early and her with her. To ensure Jameela’s well-being, zookeepers have been providing continuous care, including wearing gorilla-like suits to simulate the experience of bonding with a surrogate mother. This approach minimizes human contact and allows Jameela to form a strong attachment to her future caregiver.
Currently, the zoo is training another female gorilla named Gracie to assume the role of Jameela’s surrogate mother potentially.
The innovative gorilla-like jacket worn by caretakers not only limits human-animal contact but also aids Jameela in developing essential motor skills, such as gripping onto fur for locomotion.

Jameela’s name pays tribute to Dr. Jamie Walker Erwin, who led the groundbreaking c-section surgery to deliver her.
Dr. Robert Ursprung, a neonatologist, and Dr. Dennis Occkiogrosso, members of a surgical team typically treating humans, collaborated to ensure Jameela’s safe arrival into the world.
This heartwarming story showcases the dedication of Fort Worth Zoo’s staff in providing exceptional care for their animal residents, even in the face of unprecedented challenges.