The White House is facing backlash after claiming that a series of viral videos showing President Biden appearing confused were “deepfakes.” Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway criticized this stance on “The Brian Kilmeade Show” Tuesday, arguing that the “lies” from Biden’s team indicate concern about his stamina as the November election approaches.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: It’s terrible because they’re showing us that they’re worried, and Karine Jean-Pierre is wrong to tell the press corps, of all people, that these are deep fakes… The press corps travels with Joe Biden. They go abroad with him. They watch him in action. Literally. Those are two words: ‘in action.’ They watch his inaction in action. So that’s the worst group to try to sell these lies to. And she’s got to stop lying from the podium.
It’s cruel and demanding, and it’s just wrong… She should not be lying to the American people from the podium. She can talk about Donald Trump all day long.

That seems to be their strategy. She can pretend that the Chips Act is the greatest accomplishment ever and that the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, even the generals and Joe Lieberman and folks like that were against, was all great.
She could pretend Kamala Harris is competent and confident and not a cackler and an invader, and she hasn’t turned the United States vice president into a no-show job. There’s usually nothing on her public schedule of any note. She’s my neighbour here in Washington.
Her motorcade is never in my way, and I’m not even sure when and where she works. She can do all those things but don’t lie to us about what we see with our own two eyes. And everybody in this country knows someone or knows someone who knows someone who’s had an elderly relative. He’s just lost a couple of steps.
Paul Ryan said it last week on Fox News Channel. This is not the Joe Biden I debated in 2012; it is what he said. He’s different. Senators say that. Okay, that’s fine, but give the man grace and pity, not a second term as President of the United States at a difficult time. This guy got us into two new wars.

Numerous controversial videos have recently emerged of Biden that have raised questions about his age, including his visit to commemorate D-Day in France, the G-7 summit in Italy, and a recent fundraiser for his campaign.
White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre was asked Monday about “a rash of videos that have been edited to make the president appear especially frail or mentally confused,” and responded by calling them “cheap fakes,” a phrase she attributed to the Washington Post, “pushing misinformation, disinformation.”
Since then, Jean-Pierre has faced criticism from lawmakers and other public figures.