A Catholic priest in America has been relieved of his administrative duties after allowing a controversial music video to be filmed in his church.
The music video, titled ‘Feather’ by Sabrina Carpenter, features scenes of a blasphemous nature, including the singer dancing provocatively on the church’s altar wearing a black lacy dress.
The video also shows Sabrina dancing around the pastel coffins of men she left in her bloody trail earlier in the video, with one of the coffins labelled “RIP b****h”.

The Diocese of Brooklyn, in a statement to the Catholic News Agency (CNA), expressed its disappointment and stated that Bishop Robert Brennan was appalled at what was filmed at Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Brooklyn.
The offending priest, Monsignor Jamie Gigantiello, claimed that he had understood the music video was to involve a funeral scene, but the scenes used in the final cut were not what was initially presented to him.

As a result of this incident, the Diocese announced that the offending priest had his administrative duties revoked for failing to follow diocesan policy regarding the filming on Church property, which includes a review of the scenes and script. The Diocese has made it clear that they will not be allowing any more film crews on their property in the foreseeable future.

The controversy surrounding the music video has sparked outrage among many members of the Catholic community, who view the use of church property in such a manner as disrespectful and inappropriate. The incident has also brought to light the importance of adhering to the policies and guidelines set forth by religious institutions regarding the use of their property.