Russian President Vladimir Putin, seeking another six-year term in an election criticized as lacking true democratic essence, asserted on Tuesday that past US elections were marred by postal voting irregularities. Without presenting evidence, Putin claimed,
“In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting… they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it.”
Critics argue that the March election in Russia lacks authenticity, given Putin’s dominating influence and the imprisonment of his main rival, Alexei Navalny, who contends that the charges against him are baseless and politically motivated. The absence of a genuine contest raises concerns, with opponents highlighting the potential for manipulation in Putin’s favour through electronic voting methods, posing the risk of undetected interference.
As Putin’s opponents emphasize the need for a more transparent and inclusive electoral process, his claims about US elections being rigged through postal voting add fuel to the ongoing debate about the credibility of democratic practices, both domestically and internationally.
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