Princess Anne visited the newly opened Rural and Veterinary Innovation Centre (RAVIC) at Inverness Campus, embarking on an insightful journey.
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has developed RAVIC with a budget of £12.5 million. RAVIC is designed to bridge the gap between scientific research and industry to tackle global health challenges.
As the Queen Elizabeth March, played by Pipe Major Gordon Straub, welcomed her, Princess Anne stepped into a world of innovation and collaboration, ready to explore the groundbreaking work being done within the walls of RAVIC.
The centre’s mission to integrate SRUC’s expertise in veterinary services, research, and education became evident as Princess Anne embarked on a comprehensive tour, interacting with staff, veterinary students, and scientists.
From teaching to research laboratories, Princess Anne immersed herself in the studies being conducted, gaining insights into the complexities of tick-borne diseases and marveling at the intricacies of a sheep’s lung viewed through microscopes.
RAVIC’s significance in addressing global challenges such as climate change, avian influenza, antimicrobial resistance, and food security was underscored throughout Princess Anne’s visit as she discussed sustainability in agriculture and ecology.
A pivotal moment came when Princess Anne unveiled a plaque, leaving a lasting mark on the centre, and signed the visitors’ book, symbolising her support for the endeavours being pursued within RAVIC’s walls.
Professor George Gunn, RAVIC’s director, took the opportunity to shed light on the center’s role in fostering innovation and supporting new businesses, emphasizing its modern design aimed at promoting collaboration and community engagement.
Princess Anne’s visit to RAVIC was a testament to her dedication to advancing research and innovation in human and animal health, building upon her previous involvement in the opening of the Life Sciences Innovation Centre at Inverness Campus.
As Princess Anne bid farewell to RAVIC, her presence left an indelible mark, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards addressing global health challenges and fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government.