The impact of just ten words cannot be underestimated, as they ignited a strong reaction. After witnessing the viral footage of Barack Obama guiding a frozen Joe Biden off stage during their extravagant $30 million LA fundraiser, I took to X to express what I believed many others were thinking: “This is truly embarrassing. Surely, the Democrats cannot allow this to continue?”

To my astonishment, within hours, my post garnered an astonishing 7.5 million views, with thousands of individuals liking, reposting, and commenting.
As I suspected, the overwhelming majority shared my sincere belief that President Biden is no longer suitable for the highest office in America. And I don’t mean solely due to his perceived incompetence, although many would argue that point.
Instead, I am referring to his physical and mental incapacity to fulfil the demanding requirements of leading the United States and the free world. When the previous Democratic president must physically assist the current one because he has yet another “senior moment” and becomes motionless like a statue on stage, it should serve as a wake-up call that the entire party must urgently acknowledge before it is too late, shouldn’t it?

We are merely five months away from the 2024 general election, and it has become painfully evident that Joe Biden is already unfit as a candidate. There is no chance that he can endure another four-year term as president, which is a fact that everyone knows.
So embarrassing.
The Democrats can’t let this go on, surely?— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 16, 2024
This was once a highly articulate, quick-witted, and passionate senator (yes, really, watch his powerful 1986 speech during a Senate committee hearing where he vehemently condemned apartheid in South Africa to understand what I mean).
You guys both, @piersmorgan, @BillAckman, are so consumed with pandering to your twitter followers, you have lost all objectivity.
I’ll let you both in on a secret.
They both are going to have senior moments, mis-remember, forget…
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) June 17, 2024
However, he struggles to speak coherently, moves at a snail’s pace, and frequently stumbles or forgets his intended words or actions. Biden was meant to be the commander-in-chief of America, but during this difficult time for the world, I would not trust him to place an order at a restaurant.