Five people were killed when a construction site lift fell 20 metres to the ground.
The incident occurred on Monday in Stockholm, Sweden, and work at the site has been halted while the cause is investigated.
Gunnar Jonasson, the senior prosecutor in charge of the investigation, stated, ‘This is a serious incident that we are now investigating.’
He also stated that a preliminary investigation into ‘workplace violations resulting in the death of another’ is ongoing.
Victims are being identified, and their next of kin are informed.
The construction company Andersson Company Byggnads said those who died were subcontractors.
It added in a statement: ‘As the main contractor, we have a primary responsibility for safety at the workplace’.

A spokesperson for the lift’s manufacturer said the company has never been involved in this type of situation before.
They added that these types of lifts have been used worldwide for 20 years.
The incident has sparked outrage from unions, including the Swedish Construction Workers’ Union.
Johan Lindholm from the union called 2023 ‘the darkest year in a very long time’.
He said, ‘ Fatalities and accidents both can and must be prevented.’

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