Katie Price’s love for cosmetic surgery has been no secret, but her mother, Amy, has a different opinion. In a recent interview with The Guardian, Amy revealed that she “hates” her daughter’s cosmetic surgery habit.
She pointed to Katie’s body dysmorphia as the reason for her obsession with surgery and mentioned that she has cancelled appointments in the past.

Katie has confidently and repeatedly claimed that she is not addicted to undergoing plastic surgery, despite having spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on various cosmetic procedures over the years. Her altered face and body bear little to no resemblance to her former self, but she remains resolute in her stance.

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Katie Price’s plastic surgery journey has been a widely discussed topic for many years. She has been quite vocal about her cosmetic procedures, including breast reductions and liposuction, and has reportedly spent a staggering amount of over £84,000 just on changing the size of her breasts. However, Katie firmly denies being addicted to going under the knife and asserts that she simply wants to look her best.
“I’m not trying to look younger and I definitely don’t want that alien look,” she said.
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