Katie Price made a court appearance today for her bankruptcy hearing after being arrested at Heathrow Airport late last night. The 46-year-old model, who had been in Turkey for a £10,000 facelift, was arrested following a warrant issued on July 30.
Arriving at the Royal Courts of Justice in a body-hugging nude jumpsuit, Price’s face was visibly swollen and wrapped in bandages from the recent surgery. During the hearing, the judge informed her that she must attend a ‘public examination’ on August 27 without fail, stressing there would be ‘no ifs or buts’ about it.

The hearing began on a rocky note as Price claimed she struggled to hear and see correctly and disclosed she lacked legal representation. She explained that she had attempted to secure legal advice but could not pay the £50,000 fee required upfront. The judge advised that a solicitor should cost no more than £500 and emphasized that the application was straightforward.

Price attended the hearing via video call from a nearby room and confirmed she could adjust her schedule to be present for the August 27 examination. She inquired if she could attend via Zoom, citing difficulties with in-person court appearances.

Initially scheduled for last week, Price missed the hearing, leading Judge Catherine Burton to issue an arrest warrant. The judge criticized her lack of a valid excuse for missing the court date and highlighted that she had received ‘’previous warnings about the importance of her attendance.

Price, recently in Istanbul with her boyfriend JJ Slater and son Harvey, took to Instagram to address the situation. She stated she was filming a documentary on corrective surgeries in Turkey and expressed shock at the response to her missed court appearance.

Previously declared bankrupt twice, Price had recently vacated her £2 million Mucky Mansion amid reports of an eviction notice. She is reported to owe an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.05, contributing to her ongoing bankruptcy issues.

The court session ended with Price being allowed to return home on bail, with the judge reading out the conditions she must adhere to. She could be brought back into custody if she fails to meet these conditions.