Tragedy struck a boarding school in central Henan province as a fire claimed the lives of thirteen elementary pupils, all in the third grade, aged eight to nine. The incident occurred at Yingcai School in the rural Fangcheng district.
M10News has learned from Zonglan news that a teacher disclosed the heartbreaking news, revealing the tragic incident at Yingcai School. Currently, one survivor is receiving treatment at the hospital, adding a glimmer of hope amidst the devastating situation.
The fire began on Friday night and was extinguished just before midnight. CCTV reported that the school owner had been detained, and local authorities were actively investigating the cause of the tragic incident.
As the Beijing Youth Daily highlighted, Yingcai School, with an attached kindergarten, primarily serves elementary-grade pupils, many hailing from rural areas. The facility, located in Dushu township, is one of the school’s two branches. Our hearts go out to the affected families as investigations continue into this heartbreaking event.
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