Millions of Netflix subscribers reportedly benefit from an undisclosed upgrade, granting them additional features or content without any associated cost.
The streaming giant, known for its diverse range of movies and series, appears to be silently enhancing the user experience for a substantial portion of its user base.
Details surrounding the nature and extent of these hidden upgrades remain elusive, leaving users pleasantly surprised as they discover new functionalities or expanded libraries without explicit notification from the platform.
This unexpected enhancement adds an intriguing element to the streaming service, prompting speculation and excitement among global Netflix enthusiasts.
Currently, the highest resolution customers can get on Netflix is 4K.
But this needs a lot of broadband bandwidth to send the massive video files to your screen seamlessly.

If your internet connection is slower than what’s needed for the given resolution, your video will show at a lower quality.
And if, for example, you’re on the Premium Netflix plan and trying to watch on a television with a streaming stick and audio receiver, all the devices need to support 4K to watch in 4K.
According to Netflix, users should also check that all devices are running the latest software or firmware, and the video resolution settings must be equal to or better than the resolution you want.
But there are ways for streaming platforms like Netflix to optimise 4K streams so they can be delivered more efficiently – which is what the popular venue has just done for films and television shows.

Netflix’s testing following the update suggests users should expect around 40 per cent fewer rebuffers.
This refers to how often video playback is temporarily interrupted while the server downloads more data.
The update should also mean lower internet usage, particularly on mobiles and tablets.
Other benefits include higher initial quality, a lower initiate bitrate, less variation in delivered video quality and lower play delay.
Netflix announced this news just as the previous year’s best show on its platform was revealed.

Maecenas tempus, lectus nec convallis bibendum, sem nibh placerat felis, in aliquam odio odio tincidunt arcu. Praesent iaculis nisl quis massa tincidunt, ac maximus libero semper.
Mauris et tempor augue, eget ornare tellus. Duis eu aliquam eros. Proin in orci mattis, convallis nulla vitae, molestie dolor. Aenean semper maximus aliquet.
Vestibulum ac arcu quis massa scelerisque volutpat vitae ut mauris. Maecenas quis lobortis nibh. Pellentesque id euismod augue. Curabitur luctus posuere elit, ut porttitor purus aliquam ut
Cras eget suscipit ipsum, id facilisis eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed non dictum sapien.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ac nulla eget augue semper dictum vitae vel ligula. Suspendisse sit amet orci elit.
Sed dolor dui, pulvinar eu vulputate et, convallis sed sapien. Integer metus quam, feugiat at ultricies id, cursus ut erat. Maecenas eu felis semper, tincidunt nunc in, maximus lectus. Fusce ultricies nulla ut feugiat varius.
Donec vitae quam aliquet, rhoncus ex quis, viverra ipsum. Morbi nec sodales urna, et dapibus sapien. Aliquam diam ante, consectetur nec urna id, aliquet ultricies justo.
Praesent faucibus sapien eu lacus cursus, varius tincidunt sem vehicula. Morbi eu tincidunt lectus. Morbi id massa porttitor, laoreet sapien in, facilisis metus. In tincidunt mi nec consequat bibendum. Pellentesque ut dolor nec odio condimentum rhoncus.
Aliquam interdum aliquet interdum. Aliquam tempor sit amet elit eget iaculis. Nulla venenatis venenatis est id elementum. Donec vel tincidunt eros.
Morbi ac semper metus, non maximus nunc. Vestibulum urna arcu, dapibus vitae luctus a, convallis in augue. Duis faucibus ullamcorper metus et sagittis.
Maecenas semper ipsum at mi luctus laoreet. Maecenas laoreet massa tincidunt aliquet ullamcorper. Nunc eu mattis risus.