The Media Research Center (MRC) reports a “significant media bias” favouring Democratic opponents in the N.Y. v. Trump court case against the former president and presumptive GOP nominee.
According to MRC NewsBusters, an analysis of morning, evening, and Sunday news shows on major networks ABC, CBS, and NBC since April 14 indicates a significant bias in coverage.
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a partisan Democrat, was rarely identified during over 640 minutes of trial coverage.
Critics argue that this reveals not only a liberal media bias but also fundamental lapses in journalistic standards. Curtis Houck, managing editor of NewsBusters, emphasized the importance of addressing the basics of news reporting, including identifying key players and their motivations.

The failure to disclose Bragg’s partisan affiliation or his campaign pledge to target Trump raises concerns about transparency and accuracy in media coverage.
Houck’s comments highlight a growing trend of media outlets prioritizing sensationalism over factual reporting, mainly when covering high-profile cases involving political figures.
Despite substantial evidence, the data indicates a deliberate effort by significant networks to tarnish Trump’s reputation.
Raises concerns about the media’s impartiality and dedication to providing thorough and unbiased information to the public.
As the N.Y. v. Trump court case concludes, the disparity in coverage highlights the need for greater scrutiny of media practices and a renewed commitment to transparent reporting.
The MRC’s analysis reminds us of the importance of holding media outlets accountable for their coverage and ensuring that fundamental journalistic standards are upheld.